Ha curato, con De Caro, l’organizzazione e l’esecuzione, con i suoi strumenti musicali, del cofanetto di due CD, dedicato all’ “Euridice”, di Jacopo Peri, per la Frequenz e l’Arts Music GMBH. Si tratta del primo Melodramma in assoluto, composto nel 1600 su testo di Rinuccini, in occasione delle nozze di Maria de Medici e Francesco I a Firenze.Per la casa discografica CIME ha eseguito, come solista, due CD in cui troviamo brani registrati in prima assoluta. Il primo è dedicato a Rossini e il secondo anche a Bellini, Donizzetti e Verdi, con musiche di Giuliani, Carcassi, Paganini, Legnani e di autori romantici come Coste, Mertz e Tarrega.
Suona assieme alla cantante Valeria D’Astoli e al Contrabbassista Sergio Grazzini.Vive a Bologna dove collabora con l’Associazione Cultura e Arte del ‘700 di Villa Mazzacorati, insegna presso La Nuova Accademia Musicale della Basilica di San Francesco e presso il centro culturale musicale Geostudios e presiede il Concorso internazionale CD MAIOR Città di San Lazzaro in collaborazione con alcuni professori dell’Università di Bologna.
Suona come solista con alcune Orchestre e ha fondato con Valeria D’Astoli l’ENSEMBLE ARANJUEZ
RICCARDO FAROLFI Guitarist and lutenist, was born in Imola (near Bologna).
As a soloist, he gave concerts and held lecture-concerts in the U.S.A. for some Universities in Washington, Connecticut, Virginia and Massachussetts. He has also toured Austria, Switzerland and Germany; he has performed several guitar-and-orchestra concerts. One of them was given during a Meeting organized by the University of Bologna on the Spanish Theatre of the 18th Century.
He has played with several vocal and instrumental chamber groups in many cultural and artistic events, the Festival of Sacred Music of Trento and Bolzano being one.
He has studied classical guitar with Giuseppe Semola and Renzo Cabassi, lute with Orlando Cristoforetti, Renaissance and Baroque ensemble music with Giorgio Pacchioni and Roberto De Carola. Besides, he has also studied composition and basso continuo with Tullio Milan and Enrico Volontieri.
With important actors like Arnoldo Foà, Riccardo Cucciolla, Nando Gazzolo, Rauol Grassilli and Giuseppe Cerrone he has given guitar concerts with reciting voices, as for exemple at the Teatro Comunale of Bolzano. He has also been asked to play (arciliuto?) at the Teatro Comunale of Bologna during the performance of “Francesca da Rimini” by Zandonai..
With De Caro, he has organized and recorded, with his own instruments, two CDs dedicated to “Euridice”, by Jacopo Peri, for Frequenz and GMBH Arts Music. ”Euridice” is the first Opera ever written, composed in 1600 on a text by Rinuccini, on the occasion of Maria de Medici’s wedding to Francesco 1 in Florence.
For CIME Record Company he has recorded, as a soloist, two CDs where pieces recorded for the very first time can be found: the former is dedicated to Rossini, and the latter also to Bellini, Donizzetti and Verdi, with music by Giuliani, Carcassi, Paganini Legnani, and romantic authors like Coste, Merts and Tarrega.
He plays with the singer Valeria D’Astoli and the double bass player Sergio Grazzini, and the poet Mirella Gresleri:
He lives in Bologna, where he cooperates with the “Associazione Cultura ed Arte del ‘700” (Association for Culture and Art of the 18th Century) at the Mazzacorati Villa; he teaches at the New Musical Academy of S Francesco Basilica and at the Cultural Music Centre “Geostudios”. He also presides over the CD MAIOR International Competition of the city of S. Lazzaro.
He plays as a soloist with a number of Orchestras and he has set up the ARANIUEZ ENSEMBLE.